Mihailo Gajić, economic research department director, participated on the annual meeting of the Economic Freedom Network that was organized in Kiev, Ukraine, 22 – 24/09/2017. This network of think tanks gathered around the Canadian Fraser Institute is co-publisher of the renowned Economic Freedom of the World Index. Libek is a national partner of the Canadian Fraser Institute in Serbia.
Main theme of this conference was the impact economic freedom has on growth and development of undeveloped countries, but also the negative impact of the decrease of economic freedom on developments in advanced European countries. An especially important segment pointed out to connections between the economic and political freedom, and what consequences would the rise of populism in Europe have on future scores of selected countries on the Economic Freedom of the World Index.
During the conference, Mihailo presented the situation in Serbia, as well as Libek’s activities to include the increase of economic freedom as a necessary segment of the reforms in the country, as well as the results of the public consultation process on the level of economic freedom in Serbia that was held in October 2016.